Jan 12, 2011

pushkar nights

Posted by Mary |

I am falling into the rhythms of Pushkar. We eat late, sleep late, wake up in time for class. Beau goes to study sitar while I meet up with Raki at Colleena's dance school. The Shakti School of Dance is located in the Old Rangi temple. Up on the second floor, I study Khalbelia gypsy dance every afternoon.

In a strange twist, three of my dance friends from Alaska are also here in Pushkar. They are doing intensive Odissi, which my knee would not tolerate. But they join me in gypsy dance class, and afterward we wander the alleys in search of a quiet spot for chai and lassi.

Beau has rented a moped while we are here. It is pink, much to his chagrin. I sing "Barbie Girl" in his ear as we scoot down the road as fast as it will allow. We are leaving soon for Jaipur. I have one more dance class, one more day to wander the markets in this holy town before returning to the chaos that is a large Indian city.

I've tried to put off most of my shopping, but am still toting around a cotton bandhani sari, a set of full gypsy bangles for both arms, various items and gifts for the troupe, and an ancient display costume I talked out of a shopkeeper for Rs300. It will need a bit of work to be wearable. I still need to find a tailor in Jaipur to get a Rajasthani outfit made.

