Jun 10, 2009

heard in my bedroom

Posted by Mary |

I learned a new trick today.
I hope you're going to put your shirt back on before you show me.

I haven't been here much lately. Mostly because I've been here: http://marybuysahouse.blogspot.com/

Yeah, so I kind of bought a house. Ack. I get nauseated every time I think about the fact that I'm signing off on a 30-year mortgage. Oh, sure friends tell me that I can leave it after 5 or 7 years, but STILL!! That's a longer commitment than I've ever managed in my 32 years.

Anyway, to save you all from too much boredom as I talk about disclosures and home inspections, I'm going to be busy over there for a while. But, to sum it up:
  • I bought a house
  • It seems pretty cool
  • I am closing in mid-July and am quasi-homeless from July 1 until then
  • I am excited and nauseated all at the same time (seriously - who does this so quickly? I decided LAST WEEK that maybe I ought to consider buying a house. I made up my mind on Thursday, viewed the house on Saturday, put in an offer on Monday and it was accepted on Tuesday)


Anonymous said...

Congrats Mary! That's really great.. I know it's a crazy big committment.. but that's super cool!
