Mar 31, 2009

seven seals

Posted by Mary |

I think the end times are near. Examples:

  • a volcano keeps erupting in the south, which seems to be affecting my lifestyle 350 miles away
  • my sister got a cell phone

This weekend was .... interesting. Friday night was a slapfest. I could explain more but won't. Saturday was the final meeting of the Battlestar Galactica group. The finale had a bit of the Return of the King effect. I liked the ending, all 27 of them. At some point, you've just got to stop filming.

Have I ever mentioned that I am a strange draw for people in Tennessee? I don't know how, but they keep finding me. I'm starting to wonder if they have my picture up on billboards or something.

And finally: It is almost spring (no, really!) which means it's time to kick it into gear for Clucking Blossom. May 30 at Birch Hill. But more importantly, the fundraisers are starting up. First up: This Friday at the Marlin. Open mic hosted by Carrot Puddin', featuring Worst Band in Fairbanks.


Sunday's Pearl said...

I did it! I did it!
Your picture and contact information is in 42 restrooms across the state.
I thought it would make you happy...

JMS said...

You're draw, my friend, is because you're just so awesome! Plus, I'M here - which means since I know you, and think you're hysterically funny and fun, I must pass you along to all I know! :)

Nothing strange about it!

Jennifer :)

Cara J. said...

I must say that I LOVE the Calvin and Hobbsian snowsape. If you have to have snow you should at least do something fun with it.
