Apr 23, 2006

real alaskans....

Posted by Mary |

...think there's nothing wrong with going skiing when it's 55 degrees F. Tom, evidently, has lived in Alaska a bit too long.

Although I secretly hoped he'd fall down on the hill (and his screams from the cold snow would echo across the valley), he managed to stay upright. As he flew down the trail, he called over his shoulder, "The snow really sucks. I'll probably be back soon."

A few days ago we were running, yesterday I was enjoying a pleasant bike ride, and today Tom is skiing. Ah, Alaska....


Anonymous said...

Hey, you guys have snow out there? You can still ski? I hung my ski boots up in the back this weekend, but perhaps I need to come visit. I had given up hope that I would make it out again this year.

Jill Homer said...

Actually, that looks like great snow for biking. ":-) Down here in Homer, the trails are too soft (good skiing, though.)

Mary said...

MG: The snow sucks and is rapidly disappearing.

Jill: Talk to Tom about biking in the winter. That's how he commutes, with homemade studded tires to boot! I'm too wimpy, I just wait for the pavement to reappear.
